As a local faith community of the Diocese of Victoria, the parish of Holy Family Notre Dame upholds and promotes the values expressed in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and in the teachings and laws of the Catholic Church. This means, among other things, that we take a stance of deep respect for the dignity of all persons, and commit ourselves to the well-being of all persons.
The dignity of all are respected within all parishes and schools of the Diocese of Victoria. This encompasses our programs and facilities, those we serve, particularly the young and vulnerable, as well as those who serve: clergy, religious, employees, and volunteers in general. The Diocese upholds the fundamental good of all that God has created, yet it recognizes the reality that within our humanity there is always the possibility of misconduct towards others. These policies are meant to assist the Church in responding with charity and justice.
Greg Beattie serves as the Diocesan Responsible Ministry & Safe Environment Coordinator, and for general inquiries can be reached at [email protected].
Anne Wintersgill serves as our parish's Responsible Ministry & Safe Environment Coordinator, and for general inquiries can be reached at
[email protected].
All Low Risk volunteers in our parish will:
All Medium/High risk volunteers in our parish will: