As we observe a Day of Prayer, Fasting, and Penance for Peace, especially in the Holy Land, we recall various occasions when Pope Francis has spiritually mobilized Christians to pray for the gift of fraternity, as he continues to denounce war as "a defeat for humanity".
The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has published Pope Francis' response to "dubia" (questions; literally "doubts") presented by five Cardinals. The questions concerning the interpretation of Divine Revelation, the blessing of same-sex unions, synodality as a constitutive dimension of the Church, the priestly ordination of women, and repentance as a necessary condition for sacramental absolution.
Pope Francis has published an Apostolic Exhortation building on his 2015 encyclical. We’re not reacting enough, he says, we’re close to breaking point. He criticises climate change deniers, saying that the human origin of global warming is now beyond doubt. And he describes how care for our common home flows from the Christian faith.