The purpose of the Parish Finance Committee is to assist the parish priest with the administration of the temporal goods of the parish. The Committee is to be composed of the parish priest and at least three other members of the faithful, one of who is to be selected by the rest as the Chair. Members are to be parishioners with expertise in financial matters and/or administration, and must have a clear Criminal Record Check.
The current Chair of our Finance Committee is Rene Lacoursiere. If you have time and talent in the area of finance to share in support of our parish, please reach out to the office or Fr. Michael.
The role of the Parish Pastoral Council is to help the parish priest identify pastoral needs in the parish, help plan pastoral programs and improve pastoral services, evaluate the effectiveness of existing programs and services with a view to their imporvement, or at times, their substitution or termination. Members include the parish priest and no less than six, but nor more than ten, registered parishioners elected by the parish members at large.
The current Chair of our Parish Pastoral Council is Deb Hallworth. If you have time and talent to share in support of our parish as a PPC member, please reach out to the office or Fr. Michael.
The role of the Liturgy Committee is to assist the parish priest in all matters pertaining to the Mass. They oversee the decorating of the church according to the Liturgical Calendar, as well as seasonal themes and special celebrations, and are consulted by the priest on such matters as Christmas and Holy Week Mass schedules. They also look after the care and maintenance of the sacred vessels, and sew, mend, and/or launder various linens used in the Mass. Members include the parish priest and at least three parishioners who are also involved in areas such as music ministry, flower ministry, etc.
The current Chair of the Liturgy Committee is Rose Taulu. If you have time and talent to share in support of our parish in this area, please reach out to the office or Fr. Michael.
The role of the Personnel Committee is to assist the pastor in dealing with all personnel matters, such as hiring of staff, termination of staff, job descriptions, and performance reviews. The committee should consist of at least two parishioners, appointed by the pastor, in addition to the pastor.
The Personnel Committee is chaired by Fr. Michael. If you have time and talent to share in support of our parish in this area, please reach out to the office or Fr. Michael.
The role of the Maintenance Committee is to oversee and maintain the parish buildings, equipment, and property. The Committee is composed of at least three parishioners with the necessary knowledge and expertise to carry out the responsibilities of the committee, appointed by the pastor.
Currently, our parish has a few volunteers, along with Fr. Michael, who look after maintenance jobs when required, but we do not have a committee as such. If you have time and talent in the area of organization and maintenance, and would be interested in heading up a committe, please reach out to the office or Fr. Michael.