We are trying something new this year! Instead of our regular Tuesday evening classes, all children are welcome to attend every Sunday morning. Please bring your child(ren) through the office door to the Parish Library for 9:45 am; children will rejoin their families in Mass during the Offertory (approximately 10:30 am). These weekly sessions will begin Sunday, September 29, and continue through June.
In addition to our weekly Sunday lessons, there will be several family events organized throughout the year, to which the whole parish will be invited. Please see the Parish Calendar for details.If you wish your child to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation, we have adopted the Diocese's 2-year preparation plan for children. Please contact Terri-Ann Wynans at [email protected] to register your child for this year’s Sacramental Preparation classes, which will take place over several Saturday "retreat days" in the spring, dates TBA. Regular Mass attendance is expected for those receiving the Sacraments and their families.