E-transfers can now be sent to [email protected], which is registered for auto-deposit. This is a great way to pay for Mass Intentions, Prayer Candles, or religious articles purchased from the office cupboard if you don't carry cash, or to make one-time donations. Please remember to put your name and what the payment is for in the Memo box; if making a donation of $20 or more, please also indicate if you would like a charitable donation receipt.
Pre-authorized debit allows parishioners to give regularly by setting up an automatic withdrawal from their bank account, either weekly or monthly. Those making financial contributions to the parish via PAD will also receive a charitable tax receipt after the end of the year. You can click here to download the form to sign up for Automatic Giving via debit, which once completed, can be sent to the parish via email or by mail, or dropped off in person. Please be sure to include a void cheque.
Offering envelopes are a convenient way to make regular donations by cash or cheque, which also allow the church to keep track of your donations for charitable tax receipt purposes. If you give to the parish using envelopes, you can place them in the offering basket at weekend Masses, drop them in the lock box between the double doors at the back of the church, or bring them to parish office during opening hours. Please do not place envelopes containing cash through the office mail slot, as we cannot be held responsible if they go astray. If you have envelopes left over from the previous year, please do not continue to use them; place them in the recycling bin and contact the office- we would be happy to supply you with a new set! If you have not signed up for envelopes before, feel free to contact the office to have your name added, and receive a box to begin making donations right away.